[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]
 The specialist of the telesurveillance system ans personal security
VIDI Surveillance
The telesurveillance with equipment included from 29 € per month.
VIDI Surveillance
Another vision....
- A simple proposition for all our clients
- A versatility according to your needs
- A decrease of unnecessary interventions
- A precise and cleraly defined solution to technical
  at a distance
Key words
Simplicity, Efficiency, Reliability, etc... the words have been chosen to allow you to have another vision on security...

RCS de Grasse 481 384 972 - Siret : 48138497200016 NAF 8010 Z (ex APE 746Z)
Agrément Préfectoral 06 SG 428
The administrative authorization does not endow any official sign to the company or to thier people.
No commitment in any way from the authorities.
Contacts :

Tél : +33 (0)4 93 64 88 84
Fax: +33 (0)4 93 65 37 73